KANSAS CITY, MO. — Keeping pace with consumer demand is the name of the game for pet food processors. Not only are they expanding their operational footprints through new facilities and broadening capabilities through acquisitions, they’re also bringing forth new product innovations. 

According to the American Pet Products Association, the pet food and treat segment held the majority of overall pet industry sales in 2023, achieving $64.4 billion in sales, more than a 10% increase from 2022. Though inflation continues to be a struggle for many, pet nutrition products have evolved to become non-discretionary purchases for today’s pet parents, a trend that is only set to continue. 

From January to June 2024, Pet Food Processing covered more than 60 new product launches. From pet foods made with novel ingredients to supplements targeting newer need states, one thing is clear: the industry is pushing the bounds of innovation in a larger goal to support pet health and wellness. 


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