The company has updated its Model T-750, 370-quart Removable Bowl Double Planetary Vertical Mixer with improved sanitary design and cleaning features, bowl scraper durability and control panel simplification.
The company’s Double Tight Wrap systems are designed to tightly wrap bundles of pet food to reduce product shifting and improve handling down the supply chain.
The pet food manufacturing company said the machine can sterilize up to 1.4 million masks per week, saving both resources and money in the fight against COVID-19.
Canada-based United Raw Pet Foods Inc. has permanently raised hourly and salary wages across its four manufacturing locations to recognize its employees’ commitment through COVID-19.
The company is mitigating widespread travel bans as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic by offering digital and remote service and training for its food and pet food processing customers.
The online summer class, Sales and Marketing in Animal Health Industry, will introduce and practice key concepts applicable in a wide range of animal health industry segments.