NielsenIQ shares top-searched product attributes for pet food 04.04.2022 By Jordan Tyler The market research firm presented its latest and greatest pet care research at Global Pet Expo 2022.Read More
NielsenIQ expands capabilities with acquisition 03.31.2022 By Nicole Kerwin The company has acquired ciValue, a SaaS provider of AI technology to retailers worldwide.Read More
State of the US pet food and treat industry, 2021 12.02.2021 By Jennifer Semple The industry is on point for continued growth with solid sales as purchasing trends and behaviors shift.Read More
Top 5 pet food claims searched on Amazon 10.05.2021 By Jordan Tyler Amazon’s searches for low-calorie and frozen pet food products saw a triple-digit percentage increase from 2020 to 2021.Read More
NielsenIQ acquires major retail tech company 05.19.2021 By Ryan McCarthy The market research firm has purchased Label Insight, giving it access to its market-leading product attribute database.Read More
Crisp joins NielsenIQ Connect Partner Network to improve market data 04.03.2021 By Jordan Tyler The programmatic commerce platform expects to enhance its real-time data offerings for food and beverage brands.Read More
E-commerce, private label and CBD from a pet specialty perspective 03.30.2021 By Jordan Tyler NielsenIQ shared key pet industry retail trends and how they impacted pet food and treat purchases in 2020. Read More
Niche pet food formats poised for growth in pet specialty 03.26.2021 By Jordan Tyler NielsenIQ shared valuable industry data pointing to up-and-coming pet food trends, purchasing behaviors and continued impacts of the FDA-DCM debacle.Read More