LONDON — Nestlé Purina PetCare Europe is continuing to advance its regenerative agriculture partnerships and programs across the European region. This comes as part of the company’s efforts to achieve its commitment to source 20% of key ingredients from farmers adopting regenerative agriculture practices by 2025, with a target of 50% by 2030.
More than 450 farmers have joined initiatives supported by Purina Europe since 2020, with the initiatives aiming to support farmers in adopting regenerative agriculture practices such as diversified crop rotation, cover crops and reduced tillage. These practices can help restore soil fertility, protect water quality, reduce soil erosion, sequestrate carbon, enhance biodiversity and contribute to the wellbeing of farming communities. Additionally, according to Purina, these projects should help the company become more resilient in its sourcing of ingredients.
“At Purina Europe, we acknowledge the importance of doing what we can to support farmers to transition towards regenerative agriculture,” said Cécile Doinel, head of regenerative agriculture for Purina Europe. “Through our initiatives, we aim to mitigate our impact on the environment, and build more resilience to our sourcing, with the ultimate objective of helping to create a more regenerative food system.
“We have seen that working with key partners and a collaborative approach within the food industry is key to the success of the program,” she added. “Also, the sponsorship of farmers who act as a model for others is essential to the adoption of regenerative practices amongst the agricultural community.”
In 2021, Purina France became the first pet food company to participate in the “Sols Vivants” program, in partnership with the Earthworm Foundation, which raises awareness, provides training and supports farmers in implementing regenerative agriculture practices. As of today, 250 farmers producing cereals for Purina have joined this initiative.
For a number of years, Purina has also been supporting the improvement of landscapes within Landscape Enterprise Networks (LENs) — a system launched with 3Keel, allowing businesses with a shared interest in environmental preservation to join forces in creating and supporting solutions. The solutions are designed to deliver core ecosystem functions, including carbon sequestration or biodiversity outcomes.
In the United Kingdom, Purina Europe, along with Nestlé UK, Nestlé Cereal Partners UK and Anglian Water, have invested in LENs programs since 2022. With more than 110 farmers involved in the UK-based programs as of 2024, practices have focused on improving soil health, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and improving water quality and resilience.
Purina Italy, Hungary and Poland are also supporting LENs programs as part of its goal to make a greater impact by proactively connecting businesses, society and local communities to help preserve and regenerate rural areas. Purina Italy has had 57 farmers participate in the programs, Purina Hungary has had 22 and Purina Poland has had 24 since its recent joining of the LENs community.
“It’s great to see Purina boosting its regenerative agriculture partnerships across Europe,” said Isabel Ross, principal consultant at LENs. “The regenerative agriculture practices enabled by LENs help to promote soil health, increase soil carbon, boost biodiversity, mitigate flood risk and create habitats for pollinators — all positive outcomes that help businesses to source ingredients in the long term. The commitment of funders such as Purina is essential to the collaboration at the heart of LENs’ success.”
As Purina Europe continues this journey, the company said it looks forward to expanding its partnerships to create a transition toward a regenerative food system that fosters sustainability. More information on Purina Europe’s projects and sustainability initiatives, including the Ocean Restoration Program, can be found on the company’s website.
Read more about the latest trends in regenerative agriculture within the pet food industry.