The company will focus on reducing its carbon footprint, responsible marine sourcing, and promoting diversity and inclusion as part of its new sustainability strategy.
Recapping several new facilities, technical centers and innovation hubs that were announced or opened in 2020 to drive animal nutrition research forward.
The company has added a new sanitary cone design, as well as a variable frequency drive and updated control parameters to help manufacturers achieve consistent and efficient cooling.
The sorting solutions provider has introduced Virtual Assist to troubleshoot issues remotely and in accordance with pandemic-era social distancing practices.
The webinar will be hosted by Thaila Cristina Putarov, global technical manager of pet food for Biorigin and presented by Dr. Aulus Cavalieri Carciofi, professor of agricultural and veterinary sciences at the Universidade Estadual Paulista.
The two companies have partnered to tap further into the growing market for insect proteins in animal food as a sustainable and environmentally friendly option.