OUNDLE, UNITED KINGDOM — KM Packaging is celebrating 40 years of providing packaging for both human and pet food. As the company moves into a new decade of business, it is prioritizing sustainable growth to ensure long-term business viability. 

“A key part of this strategy is ensuring that we offer recyclable products that cater to our customers’ needs across the globe,” said Frances Busby, managing director of KM Packaging. “Having the right products to meet the individual recyclability agendas of various markets is essential to our continued success and growth.”

KM shared that it is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint by 45% by 2030, with comprehensive measurement of emissions across Scope 1, 2, and 3. Busby explained that this measurement allows the company to understand its impact accurately and effectively reduce it through product innovation and collaboration with supply partners.

“Our team is focused on developing materials that support these goals, ensuring they meet both sustainability and functionality requirements. We will continue to collaborate with customers and suppliers to achieve these targets effectively,” Busby added.

Read more about sustainability efforts across the pet food and treat industry.