SOUTHPORT, CONN. — Sustainable pet food company Earth Animal recently released its second annual impact report, sharing its environmental progress in 2023. The report represents the company’s first since becoming a Certified B Corp.  

Through its 1% promise, the company invested a total of $665,455 in 2023 to help mitigate its environmental impact and bolster its social impact. Earth Animal’s 2023 accomplishments include:

  • Helping remove 84,308 lbs of plastic waste from the environment through its partnership with rePurpose Global.
  • Reducing its propane usage by 34.9% at its Riverstone, Md., facility.
  • Working toward its goal of using recyclable, refillable or compostable packaging in-line with the Pet Sustainability Coalition’s Packaging Pledge.
  • Donating $210,000 worth of products to animal shelters and rescue organizations. 
  • Providing a total of $100,000 to various environmental and social organizations, like Greater Good Charities, Maui Humane Society, Pet Sustainability Coalition, etc. 

“We believe that even though we’re a small company, each and every one of us has the power to make a major impact on the world, especially when we work together,” said Susan Goldstein, co-founder of Earth Animal. 

Regarding its environmental impact goals, Earth Animal has completed its Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting, sharing continued reductions year-over-year. In 2023, the company’s Scope 1 emissions were 98.98 MTCO2e, a decrease from 151.96 MTCO2e in 2022. Scope 2 emissions were 208.25 MTCO2e, a decrease from 228.08 MTCO2e in 2022. 

In-line with its commitment to the environment, Earth Animal is also making progress on its animal welfare initiatives. In 2022, the company signed the Better Chicken Commitment to help improve broiler chicken welfare and continues to transition its products to meet these standards. The company also joined Compassion in World Farming’s US working Group for Broiler Welfare. 

“The pet food industry is growing by the day, yet farm animal welfare is often not included in sourcing strategies. That’s what makes Earth Animal different — in addition to caring about our pets, this company is also thinking about the quality of life for animals on farms across the United States. Compassion in World Farming is excited to continue to support Earth Animal’s animal welfare goals to raise the bar, setting a new standard for pet food,” said Julia Johnson, US head of food business at Compassion in World Farming.

Looking forward to 2024 and 2025, Earth Animal has plans to further its environmental and social iniatives. The company plans to offset 100% of its Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions through a partnership with Native Energy, and plans to have 25% of its Scope 3 emissions measured and offset. 

Additionally, it plans to implement an Environmental Management System at its Riverstone operation, and advance its partnerships with rePurpose Global and other pet industry organizations.

Read more about sustainability efforts across the pet food and treat industry.