CHORLEY, U.K. — GA Pet Food Partners, a European pet food co-manufacturer founded in 2000, recently appointed four new directors to lead its expansion, operations, sales and product development efforts.
Two of the appointees are the sons of GA Chairman Roger Bracewell. James Bracewell will lead the company in its European expansion efforts, and William Bracewell will be tasked with managing manufacturing. Lois Woods will also join as sales director and John Hewitt will lead the technical service team, which includes marketing and design, nutrition, research and development and project staff.

“At GA, we understand the importance of not just providing fantastic product, but also outstanding service and I am confident that we now have the leadership team able to build value for our partners,” Bracewell commented.
GA Pet Food Partners calls its trademark process “Freshtrusion,” which allows extruded pet diets to include high levels of fresh meat.
Read more about personnel changes throughout the industry.