NARA announces new logos for FPRF, APPI
| Source: The North American Renderers AssociationNARA announces new logos for FPRF, APPI
ALEXANDRIA, VA. — The North American Renderers Association (NARA) recently announced that the Animal Protein Producers Industry (APPI) and the Fats and Proteins Research Foundation (FPRF) have launched new, refreshed logos that “modernize their identities” and align with NARA’s unified branding.
The two formerly independent organizations now operate under NARA, sharing both staff and management resources. According to NARA, aligning the branding of the three organizations into a cohesive identity reinforces that they are unified entities working collaboratively within the rendering industry.
Still maintaining its sunburst design, the new FPRF logo is updated for a “contemporary look,” while the APPI logo emphasizes the research aspect of its mission by including laboratory imagery. NARA states that these new designs reinforce the shared mission and collaborative identity of NARA, APPI and FPRF within the industry.
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