Pet Food Processing
AFIA will host Equipment Manufacturers Conference

Source: American Feed Industry Association

AFIA opens registration for Equipment Manufacturers Conference


ARLINGTON, VA. — On June 30, the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) announced registration has opened for its Equipment Manufacturers Conference, which will occur Nov. 9 to 11 in St. Petersburg, Fla. The annual conference, hosted by AFIA’s Equipment Manufacturers Committee, will focus on issues and trends in feed equipment manufacturing.

This year’s Equipment Manufacturers Conference is themed “Building An Industry Perspective On Sustainability” and will focus on recent sustainability issues and trends impacting the animal feed and pet food industries.

“Sustainability has become a topic that permeates all aspects of feed and equipment manufacturing,” said Gary Huddleston, director of feed manufacturing and regulatory affairs at AFIA. “While the animal food industry has long been committed to sustainable manufacturing, there is more work to be done, and we are excited to focus on that at this year’s conference.”

The three-day conference will kick off with a golf tournament to raise money for the Institute for Feed Education and Research’s (IFEEDER) scholarship fund.

The conference will include several educational sessions, including panels on sustainability and communicating with the government, the public and customers.

Early bird registration for the conference will end Oct. 7. More on AFIA’s Equipment Manufacturers Conference.

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