Pet Food Processing
Suterra's CheckMate® Puffer® IMM pest control system
Photo courtesy of Suterra

Suterra unveils pheromone-based pest control solution


BEND, ORE. — Suterra, a pheromone-based pest control company, introduced its new CheckMate® Puffer® IMM pest control system on April 18. The new system helps to control the presence of Indianmeal moths and other stored-product moths that appear in commercial human and pet food facilities, preventing food contamination.

According to Suttera, infestations of Indianmeal and other moths in stored, finished food products can result in costly facility shutdowns and extensive cleanings, and usually require insecticide treatments or expensive fumigations. The CheckMate Puffer IMM prevents infestations by preventing moths from mating and reproducing.

Installation of Suterra's CheckMate Puffer IMM system.Photo courtesy of Suterra

Suterra’s new aerosol system automatically releases non-toxic moth pheromones into the air, which confuses the pests and prevents them from producing more moths, therefore lowering the population. The CheckMate Puffer IMM can be deployed in commercial pet food manufacturing facilities, as well as storage, distribution, retail and milling areas.

“We are thrilled to launch a product that delivers safety, convenience, and cost savings to the commercial food industry,” said Vijay Pai, general manager of commercial pests at Suterra. “We tested this in virtually all food settings for more than five years in over 30 trials to ensure the best performance and control against stored product moth pests in large-scale food handling facilities.”

Suterra’s CheckMate Puffer IMM is effective on a variety of moth species, including Indianmeal, Mediterranean flour, raisin, tropical warehouse and tobacco, with effects lasting at least six months.

As well as the CheckMate Puffer IMM, Suterra offers a variety of pheromone-based pest control solutions, spanning spray formulas, membrane dispensers and monitoring lures.

Read more news from pet food and treat industry suppliers.