Pet Food Processing
Shoe-shaped pet treat design

US Patent No. D933,933 (Oct. 26, 2021), Baikie, J., assigned to Redbarn Pet Products LLC, Long Beach, CA.

| US Patent and Trademark Office

Slideshow: 17 pet food and treat designs patented in 2021


ALEXANDRIA, VA. — The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) awarded a number of patents to companies in the pet food and treat space in 2021, including new designs for pet treats, dental chews and kibble pieces.

Companies including Purina, Mars, Big Heart Pet, Redbarn Pet Products, Spectrum Brands and others were granted patents for their original pet food and treat designs, from shoe-shaped chews and spin-top treats to unique kibble designs and pet treat kabobs. View our slideshow to see a selection of pet food and treat patents awarded in 2021.

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