Pet Food Processing

Brazil pet food plant expanded to meet growing demand


VARGEÃO, Brazil — Kemin Industries’ global pet food and rendering segment, Kemin Nutrisurance, announced on Sept. 30 it completed an expansion of its 5,000-sq.-ft. pet food ingredient processing facility in Brazil. The company invested $6 million (R$25 million) to increase the raw material capacity at the facility by 900% and finished goods storage by 1,500%.

The facility’s expansion will directly impact its ability to serve the South American pet food market, specifically in Brazil, which is growing quickly along with the global pet food market.

“According to Euromonitor, the country’s pet food growth is thought to be driven by more Brazilians moving to urban areas and having children later in life, choosing small dogs and cats as companions, thus increasing the pet population,” Kemin said in a press release about its newly expanded facility.

Aside from exponentially increased storage capacity, Kemin’s new-and-improved pet food ingredient plant features a research and development center and state-of-the-art production equipment, such as a new spray dryer that will support Kemin’s protein hydrolysates and functional ingredients line for pet nutrition.

Kemin’s line of palatants for pet food, which includes meat and plant-based flavorants, will also be supported by capabilities at its Vargeão facility, the company said.

This pet food processing plant is GMP-certified for food safety and quality and adheres to LEAN manufacturing standards. In addition, Kemin says it is finalizing its FSSC 22000 food safety certification for the plant.

The facility is expected to create 50 jobs in Vargeão and boost the economy through construction jobs, material sourcing and tax revenue, Kemin added.

"This facility is the largest contributor in terms of taxes returned to the Vargeão community," said Valdir Lucatelli, general manager of Kemin Nutrisurance in South America. "Kemin is proud to help support local education and the health and safety of this community."

As of late September 2019, the facility produces products exclusively for South American and European markets but is in the process of getting approval to serve the US market.

Read more about pet food processing operations on our Operations page.