UPDATED: 3 lots of raw pet food test positive for Salmonella, brand disputes
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning March 26 for three lots of Darwin’s Natural Pet Products that tested positive for Salmonella. The warning includes two lots of Natural Selections raw chicken recipe and one lot of Natural Selections raw turkey recipe.
The following products and lot numbers were included in the warning:
- Darwin’s Natural Pet Products Natural Selections Chicken Recipe with Organic Vegetables for Dogs: 5309(11)181019, manufactured on Oct. 19, 2018
- Darwin’s Natural Pet Products Natural Selections Chicken Recipe with Organic Vegetables for Dogs: 5375(11)181106, manufactured on Nov.11, 2018
- Darwin’s Natural Pet Products Natural Selections Turkey Recipe with Organic Vegetables for Dogs: 5339(11)181026, manufactured on Oct. 26, 201
The FDA advises consumers to throw away contaminated lots of Darwin’s raw dog food products. The agency said it discovered the contaminated products after responding to a consumer complaint. Darwin’s Natural products are manufactured by Arrow Reliance Inc. and sold direct-to-consumer online.
Arrow Reliance was involved in the FDA’s investigation into the multi-state outbreak of Salmonella in 2018.
On March 27, Darwin's disputed the warning. It published the following statement:
"Today the FDA issued a public warning regarding three lots of Darwin’s poultry meals for dogs produced last fall, which were delivered to customers back in November and early December 2018. These are the same lots which we alerted customers about via email last month.
We’re disappointed in the FDA’s decision to issue a public warning. We think this warning is unnecessary, as we are confident these meals have been completely consumed without incident. We have contacted the customers who received the meals and have not received any medical reports of illnesses to pets or humans attributable to these meals. As we have shared with our customers before, we believe that at no time did these meals pose any danger to either humans or pets."
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